Startups, start here.

Set the tone for a caring culture — Superkin x Startups takes the guesswork (and stress work) out of creating foundational caregiving policies from family leave to elder care.

A crystal ball into your future.

Unlimited kombucha on tap won’t solve this problem, so we’re glad you’re here.

We know you’re busy building the next unicorn and it takes top talent to get you there. Here’s the thing: Life happens. Families grow, parents get sick, and you’ll encounter these management opportunities along the way to $1B. So what’s the best way to design a modern parental leave and caregiving policy when money’s tight and growth is the focus?

Sink or Swim: The policy you already needed.

This impacts nearly 3 in 4 employees.

In addition to parenting, caregiving can include: care of an aging parent, a spouse with chronic illness or cancer, or a child with a disability. Don’t assume anything about your employees’ personal life.

Family structures have changed.

60% of US family households are dual income — compared to just 25% in 1960. Moreover, 40% of mothers are the breadwinners. You want access to the best talent, it’s important to know what they need to succeed.

Don’t get caught empty-handed.

Your people are your biggest asset. Don’t lose the institutional knowledge or crush employee morale when one of your best employees leaves for a company with better benefits. Why limit the talent pool — set the tone early.

Lack of support could sink your bottom line.

Caregiver absenteeism costs the U.S. economy an estimated $25.2B in lost productivity. If you don’t show up with the right benefits and systems in place, you’ll lose out on revenue and growth.

Make it easy.

Get it done.

Introducing the Superkin x Startup Caregiving Package ⚡

@ $5,000

Accelerate the growth of your company and its culture with a playbook full of turnkey policies and programs customized for your team.

Superkin x Startups is a good fit for your team if:

  • You’re a small business owner hiring your first employees. 

  • Your team is rapidly-growing and needs talent acquisition and retention plans that will keep up with you.

  • You see the massive value in the abilities of caregiver employees and want them to stick around.

  • You’re scaling quickly and need to get structure in place.

  • You’re still building a People team and need a plug-in-play solution so your leaders can focus on everything else.

A best-in-class playbook.

You’ll walk away with: