Our Journey From Apparel Brand to Corporate Consulting

Friends, it's time to get into the details of our pivot. Some still think of us as a maternity brand, but today you'll find us working with corporate clients to support parents at work. How’d that happen?

We're lucky to have been friends and colleagues since 2008.You know you need to see our cherubic faces in a nightclub in New York City in 2009. Work hard, play hard right?

Like so many of our peers, we built our identity around more than a decade of success in fashion and tech. In 2017, we were in our mid 30s and pregnant at the same time: we’d roll our eyes and groan when we saw maternity tees printed with phrases like “Oops! I swallowed a watermelon seed.”

Is this seriously what pregnant women want to wear? Miriam cringes.

There was a disconnect between the reality of modern motherhood and the way it was portrayed.  After countless hours of early morning and late night phone calls, we quit our jobs at a rocket ship startup, risking it all to create a brand with a mission to challenge the outdated narratives of motherhood.

Superkin launched as a maternity brand selling the perfect maternity capsule collection for work, saw sales climb and we even landed the dream — a full-page write up in WWD on March 5th, 2020.

L to R: A candid shot from our November 2019 photoshoot. We worked with the most incredible women to bring our clothes to life | Tara pictured at a Fabric show in LA, the last time we were unmasked indoors in 2020 | Superkin's full page write up in Women's Wear Daily on March 5th, 2020.

Just a week later, the pandemic hit and the world shut down— indefinitely. 2020 wasn’t the year to sell tailored black pants while most of us were living in (and buying) tie dye sweatsuits. 

Fast forward 6 months into the pandemic: women were exhausted, leaving the workforce in record numbers, after shouldering the burden of care for their families and crushed by the weight of endless household labor. We used our brand platform to launch a rally cry for parents with the *Add to Resume: Raising Humans campaign. The slogan reinforced the leadership skills parents develop while raising kids — and they belong on the resume.

It ignited a movement (and a few copycats, too).

Miriam and Tara rocking Add to Resume tees in Sausalito, CA

Get yours and support Black Maternal Health through our retail partner Social Goods.

The campaign opened opportunities we’d always dreamt of: as advocates for parents in the workplace. We spoke with organizations and wrote for publications looking for a new way of thinking about corporate culture that supports parents and caregivers. 

So we put the apparel business on hold (selling the remaining inventory to Gilt and Anthropologie’s rental company, Nuuly) and doubled down on our consulting business.

Celebrating a Superkin win in Parents magazine.

So here we are. Since the middle of 2021, we've been partnering with visionary leaders that want to go beyond parental leave, and strengthen the employee experience for parents and caregivers. We traded e-commerce for consulting. Our business model is entirely different, but the mission remains the same:  to improve the working lives of parents. Read more about what we do here.

Got thoughts? Questions? We'd love to hear from you. Email us hello@superkin.com.


Tara and Miriam (Co-founders)

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A Working Mom Win, in a Window


Reentering the Workforce After a Resume Gap